The Changing of the self. A constant shift in how we precieve the world and how we precieve ourselves. What will happen if you dare to look from a different angle to yourself? Maybe you will see what you always wanted to see? Or see something that is a little to confronting? Taking a look at yourself from a distance gives you new insight to yourself.

Hyperflection is the second generation of a project made by students of Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts, commissioned by Studio Harm Rensink. This year Modebelofte on the Dutch Design Week is transformed into New Order of Fashion with shape shifters as the theme.

We as students were asked to design and realize an eye-catcher that would be an introduction to New Order of Fashion. We designed the installation Hyperflection, a serie of object that transform the visitors and the space around them into a completely new universe.
Laurien Schrooten, Eva van de Sande, Maartje Dekkers, Nevin Arabaci, 
Lisa Bosselaar, Jolijn Janssen, Wout Peeters

Special thanks to:
Harm Rensink

DDW 2018, Glow 2018
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